Note Toad ™
The witchy, indie, minimalist, non-commercial app for:
- Reading / wandering / pondering
- Writing / sketching / teaching
- Mind mapping / organizing your shit
Core values include:
- Joy and whimsy
- Learning and teaching
- Celebrating and enriching the commons
- Coziness and curiousity
This app does not offer you words from LLMs
Quoth some LLMs, presented as authoritative information:
- “[…] could be caused by low blinker fluid”
- “There are 738,523 days between October 14, 2024 and January 12, 2025.”
- “Add glue to the sauce”
- “Mixing 1/8 cup of non-toxic glue into the sauce can make it tackier and help the cheese stick”
This app may not be used in corporate contexts
Is it organic?
- No data collection
- No interruptions / notifications
- Open standards / formats
- Deterministic builds with published hashes
- Available at no cost
- It's not FLOSS yet, but it eventually will be
You can write words via:
- Just a keyboard
- Just your voice (e.g. via Whisper)
- Just handwriting
...and doodle via:
- A tablet pencil
- A mouse/trackpad
...and navigate via:
- Just a keyboard
- Just your voice
- Just a game controller
- Just a mouse/trackpad
- Just a tablet pencil or screen touches
- Just using two thumbs while holding your tablet or telephone vertically
- (You can use any mashup of the above — but each navigation action can be performed using any of those)
- Private betta [TODO fish illustration]